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I’m a french-fries-loving and eco-friendly poster maker and freelance illustrator based in Copenhagen, Denmark.


12 years ago when I was still studying Graphic Design I tried taking my printed-at-home illustrations to a design market and it really went well! A few shops started requesting to sell my work and at some point I thought that it might be a good idea to start a business. Slowly more and more shops began to sell my illustrations and I got some freelance illustrations commissions too. The sales grew and more commissions kept coming and before long I was able to quit school and be a full time illustrator. How fantastic! I toured Europe for a few years, showcasing my illustrations on trade shows and at one point you could find my posters and frames in more than 100 shops world wide 👀 At the trade shows I also met wonderful people, some of which have become my long term partners in business.


Today I have my own webshop that I manage. As you can see I sell a variety of illustrations as posters, beautiful frames and wooden toys that I designed. It takes up roughly 50 % of the time and the rest of the time I draw for clients / working with partners. I have worked on everything from toys to bedding and to name a few of my long term partners there are Vilac, Auzou and émoi émoi. For some reason most of my partners are French. Perhaps it is my name – I have no connection to France at all, my parents just thought it sounded cool back in the late 80s 😎


I often get asked where I get my inspiration and the answer is a bit cliche; I find inspiration all around me! Sometimes the ideas just land in my head out of the blue and other times a scroll through the world wide web gets my ideas flowing.

My illustrative style is quite simple and naïve and you can recognize my illustrations by my color palette. Another trade is that many of my older characters always have their eyes closed – a signature that really began because I found it terribly hard to draw just the right kind of eyes! I sort of have figured it out now and am now able to draw open eyes too 🙈


I love that I can call this my job and say a silent thank you (to whoever or whatever is listening) many times a day. Thank YOU for reading. Feel free to reach out if you have any ideas you would like to discuss or if you have any questions for me. ❤︎


If you want to stay updated on what I am doing, the best place to go is Instagram. See you there 🌸


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